Basic concepts serve as the foundation for following directions, participating in classroom and at home routines, succeeding academically (particularly literacy and math), and participating in conversations.
The term "basic concepts" is an umbrella term that encompasses a large variety of words. For example, colors, shapes, negation, emotions, temporal words, positional words, quantity... are all considered to be basic concepts.
Most basic concepts mentioned above are mastered by age 4 but some develop later such as: left/right, larger number concepts, comparative adjectives (loud, louder), time concepts (yesterday, tomorrow).
There are currently 2 options for purchase: TEMPORAL CONCEPTS & SPATIAL CONCEPTS.
Each kit includes:
- Professionally prepped task cards and visuals that can be used to teach and practice the concepts
- Mini objects to use with the cards. Kids are easily engaged by the small trinkets. A perfect way to target those goals while having fun!
- Labeled storage box (colors will vary)
Not meant for children under 3 due to small parts.
I have put a lot of time and love into this product! I hope you enjoy using it!